travel russia
  st petersburg the hermitage interiors

"The galleries of the Hermitage are what you might expect for a glamourous Palace, which it is.
The interior themes change depending on which part of the Hermitage you happen to be in."

TRAVEL: August 2009...


all photos are copyright d. holmes chamberlin jr, architect

This huge jade vase adorns the Council Staircase designed by architectAndrei Stakenschneider which connects three buildings,
The Great, the New, and the Small Hermitages, St. Petersburg, Russia (2009).

the (old) great hermitage ...

The Leonardo da Vinci Room, with "The Benois Madonna" (1478), The Great Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia (2009).

the new hermitage ...

The Main Staircase from the upper landing, and a side gallery, The New Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia (2009).

The Jupiter Hall, on the ground floor of the New Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia (2009).

The Raphael Loggias, in the New Hermitage, are intricately decorated, St. Petersburg, Russia (2009).

Detail, The Raphael Loggias, the New Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia (2009).

The Majolica Room, designed by Leo von Klenze in the mid-19th century, The New Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia (2009).

The Small Italian Skylight Room, The New Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia (2009).

(Left) A Detail of the ceiling, the Small Spanish Skylight Room, the Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia (2009).
(Right)The Small Italian Skylight Room, The New Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia (2009).

the small hermitage ...

The Pavilion Hall (1858), by architect Andrei Stakenschneider, the Small Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia (2009).

A mosaic floor (1847-51) from the antique original at Pompei, the Pavilion Hall, the Small Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia (2009).

the winter palace ...

The Jordan Staircase, The Winter Palace, The Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia (2009).

The Main Staircase of the Winter Palace, The Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia (2009).

The Armorial Hall, The Winter Palace, The Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia (2009).

The Peter the Great Small Throne Room, the Winter Palace, the Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia (2009).

"The St George Hall also known as the Large Throne Room was constructed from the design of Giacomo Quarenghi in 1790s but in the course of two centuries
it was reconstructed a number of times. The original decor was destroyed by fire in 1837. When restoring the hall Vasily Stasov followed the general architectural
plan of his predecessor but introduced new character to the interior," The Winter Palace, The Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia (2009).

"The Military Gallery of 1812 was created by Carlo Rossi in 1826 in commemoration of Russian arms in the Napoleonic Wars.
The Gallery is divided by doubled columns into three sections; the middle section forms the threshold to the St George Hall (the throne room),
and is lit by skylights in the painted vaults," the Winter Palace, The Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia (2009).

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copyright  d holmes chamberlin jr  - architect
page last revised august 2009